Table of Contents

Class TraceBuffer

Records debugging traces in the NDMF preview system

public static class TraceBuffer
Inherited Members



public static void Clear()

RecordTraceEvent(string, Func<TraceEvent, string>, object, object, object, string, int?, long?, bool, TraceEventLevel?)

Records a tracing event.

Note that arguments that are ComputeContext will be converted to their description string to avoid keeping those contexts alive inappropriately.

public static TraceEvent RecordTraceEvent(string eventType, Func<TraceEvent, string> formatEvent, object arg0 = null, object arg1 = null, object arg2 = null, string filename = null, int? line = null, long? parentEventId = null, bool collapse = false, TraceEventLevel? level = null)


eventType string

An internal identifier for this event

formatEvent Func<TraceEvent, string>

A method that will format this event to a human-readable string

arg0 object

Arbitrary data usable by formatEvent

arg1 object

Arbitrary data usable by formatEvent

arg2 object

Arbitrary data usable by formatEvent

filename string

Optional filename usable by formatEvent

line int?

Optional line number usable by formatEvent

parentEventId long?

An event ID to associate as the parent of this event; if not provided, the containing event scope will be used (see TraceEvent.Scope). If negative, no parent will be assigned.

collapse bool

If true, and the most recent event had the same eventType, overwrite that event

level TraceEventLevel?

The tracing detail level (default is INFO)

